
Eric Kemp
Ray Bonilla
Michael Derbes
Morgan Telesford
Vishal Shah
Emily Blay
Ravneeta Consul
Sani Messchi
Jervon Ralph
Peter Nieuwkerk
Jonathan Chu
David Reynolds
Jana Knauerova
Maksat Sadyrov
Ruth Landé
Ashton Henze
Alok Ahuja
Charles Russek
Mikel Burroughs
Allison Sesso
Marisa Clemente
Courtney Werpy Story


Allison Sesso
President / CEO
Ravneeta Consul
Michael Derbes
General Counsel
Emily Dougherty
Associate Vice President, Analytics
Blanca Godoi
Executive Assistant / Administrative Services Manager


Michele Masucci
Board Chair; Partner, Nixon Peabody
Jose N. Penabad
Vice Chair; Co-Founder and CIO, HCG
Dr. Oxiris Barbot
President, United Hospital Fund and former NYC Health Commissioner
Jon Lindsey
Managing Partner, Major, Lindsey & Africa
Elizabeth Marincola
Treasurer; Senior Advisor, Science for Africa Foundation
Dr. Ram Raju
Former Senior Vice President of Northwell Health and CEO of NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation
Ted Sann
Secretary of the Board; Former Vice Chairman and Chief Creative Officer BBDO North America
Jeff Smedsrud Co-Founder and President, Insurance Services
Jonathan Wiggs
Chief Technology Officer & Co-Founder, Outbound AI

Board Committee Service

Non-board members elected to serve on specific committees of the board.

Robert Goff
Serving on Debt Acquisition Oversight Committee; Founding Board Member, Principal Consultant at the ABER Group LLC
Edward Kornreich
Serving on Debt Acquisition Oversight Committee, Past long-standing chair of Proskauer’s Health Care Department
Rebecca Leiba
Serving on the Finance Committee, Senior Managing Director at Provident Healthcare
Shakeel Mozaffar
Serving on Fund Development Committee; current CEO Altruism Research Institute, Corp., VP of Global Supply Chain, and head of new products at Polaroid
William von Mueffling
Serving on Finance Committee; Former Board Chair; President of Cantillon Capital Management

Debt Operations

Ruth Landé
Vice President, Provider Relations
Beth Zinda
Associate Vice President, Hospital Relations.
Mikel Burroughs
Director of Debt Acquisition
Mike Toth
Director of Debt Acquisition
Kristen Accardo
Director of Provider Relations
Peter Nieuwkerk
Business Process Manager
Sani Messchi
Provider Partnership Manager
Vishal Shah
Data Analyst
Keith Hearle
Special Advisor


Jana Knauerova
Vice President, Finance & Administration
Jessica McDermott
Development Liaison Manager
Ashton Henze
Accounting Manager
Joseph Legaspi
Grants & Project Manager
Ikenna Chukwuma
Junior Accountant

Public Policy & Program Management

Eva Stahl
Vice President, Public Policy & Program Management
Lindsey Zischkale
Policy Analyst
Camila Salvagno
Constituent Engagement Manager
Gregory Brodie
Program Manager, Community Engagement
Dina Magnes
Program Manager, Student Engagement
Sarah Jarrell
Constituent Liaison


Marisa Clemente
Vice President, Philanthropy
Lizzie Garcia
Associate Director of Philanthropy
Michelle Santoro
Associate Director of Philanthropy
Ray Bonilla
Development Database Manager
Emily Blay
Philanthropy Manager

Government Initiatives

Courtney Werpy Story
Vice President, Government Initiatives

Info Systems

David Reynolds
Vice President, Info Systems
Charles Russek
Senior Software Developer
Jonathan Chu
Software Developer
Nikolai Simonov
Software Developer
Eric Kemp
Data Specialist
Maksat Sadyrov
DevOps and Infrastructure Engineer
Jervon Ralph
Project Manager, Info Systems
Alok Ahuja
ETL Manager
Mark Skinner
Software Developer

Communications and Marketing

Daniel Lempert
Vice President, Communications and Marketing
Morgan Telesford
Communications and Marketing Manager
George & Elaine
Design & Development
Emily Brimmer
Social Media Director
Katie Goulding
PR Manager