
  • Pura

    Pura, 49, is uninsured and lives in North Carolina where Medicaid has not yet been expanded. She has a large amount of medical debt, and shared that her income is limited because she is her husband’s primary caretaker.

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  • T.M.

    “This unexpected and amazing gift literally brought me to tears. I incurred this debt during a horribly difficult time in my life. I was uninsured, unemployed, and without hope. With the help of family, friends, and great counseling,…

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  • Anonymous

    “This debt was from a time when we were in dire straits as we did not have health insurance. We have been paying for it ever since.”

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  • Anonymous

    “Thank you for the help. My husband and I live on one income. My being diabetic puts a financial strain on us. From quarterly doctor visits to supplies for insulin injections it is very costly. We currently do…

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