Our Policy Goals
Erasing medical debt provides immediate relief, but to prevent new debts we need to improve the broken healthcare system itself, by working with partners and policymakers.
Almost half of U.S. adults delay or skip medical care for fear of high costs. The near-universal nature of the problem points to a flawed healthcare financing system. Medical debt is an important feature of that system and it’s our mission to end it.
Our Recent Policy Work
First Do No Harm: A Guide for Clinician Champions
The medical debt crisis has reached a fever pitch. It will only continue to grow if we cannot marshal a collective effort for change. We know trust is critical to the patient-clinician relationship, and that trust is increasingly fragile in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Things are further undermined by a broken healthcare financing system that leaves patients confused and uncertain as to whether they can afford their healthcare at all. Clinicians have two options—either bypass the hard conversations with their patients about affordability or engage with patients while having few options to support them.
Healthcare Policy News
Presumptive Financial Assistance: Assessing the Cost (Part 3)
There is consensus that the issue of medical debt is widely experienced, regardless of income, race, ethnicity, age, gender or geography. There are myriad reasons for the medical debt crisis;…
Medical debt is not a political issue – keep it off credit reports
Roughly 100 million people in the United States contend with medical debt, and about 15 million of those people also carry medical debt on their credit reports. In a time…
Medical Debt Dictionary
Jump to a Section Medical Debt Terms Hospital and Provider Terms Insurance Terms and Types Insurance Billing Terms Laws and Policies For an overview of state laws around…
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